A Multi-Storied Structure
The building now known as Whit’s End has been around for a long time, at least since the year 1850. It was originally Odyssey’s first church, but has also served as the Mayor’s Residence, a radio station, and is most well known as having been the Fillmore Recreation Center, which served as a gathering place for the families of Odyssey for decades.

Dream of the Whittakers

The Best Ice Cream in Town!
Perhaps the primary draw of Whit’s End is the Ice Cream! Much of the main level of the building is dedicated to a turn of the century style soda shoppe, where Whit and his employees serve up all manner of frozen treats all day long. A function which draws the young and old alike through the front doors.

Wonder and Excitement!
Whit’s penchant for invention, innovation, and imagination, spills out into everything he puts his hands to, resulting in world class attractions like the largest train set in the state, the Imagination Station, and the Bible Room, which incite wonder, imagination, and awe towards God.
Education and Exploration
Enriching the young minds of its patrons is one of Whit’s End’s core tenants. As such, plenty of engaging educational and recreational activities are provided, including a library, a small fully equipped theater stage, a radio studio, and the “Inventor’s Corner” where kids can tinker and experiment.